Hans-Peter Feldmann: Hans-Peter Feldmann | SOLO SHOW

« When someone works and creates something on his own, in a very egocentric, very stupid, very plain way but also very honestly, very sincerely, and turns these things outwards, and other people suddenly recognize their own problems in these things made by someone else, and they understand something, feel something, then and only then does art happen ».
(Hans Peter Feldrnann, taken from an interview by Kasper Konig, Frieze 91. May 2005)
Since the late 1960s, Hans-Peter Feldmann assiduously creates and assembles collections and the accumulation of objects and images, guided by a fascination with the popular visual culture (advertising, toys, postcards, etc..). His system classification, although personal, recomposes sets, like photo albums, collections of postcards or images of football players. His creation plays with the reproduction and circulation of images: he (re)photographies to the way of, diverts contemporary false casts of ancient sculptures.
Closing the gap between art and life, his practice is spontaneous, humorous and transgressive.
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